Lower Dauphin HS Jingle Jam 5K 2024
Join us on December 14, 2024
Donate To This EventThe Lower Dauphin High School Mini-THON will be holding its annual Jingle Jam Run/Walk fundraiser on Saturday, December 14th @ 10:00 AM at the Middle School Cross Country Course
This will be a 5K run/walk. Check-in begins at 8:45 AM and will run until 9:45 AM. Walk-up registrants are welcome but will need to pay with cash or check!
Online registration will be available until Wednesday, December 4th at 4:00 PM. Please register by Wednesday, December 4th at 4:00 PM to be guaranteed a t-shirt. NO SHIRTS WILL BE SOLD ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT. Online and walk-up registration will be $20 per runner/walker. All shirts are adult sizes and short-sleeved.
There will be silent auction baskets on the day of the event. Awards will be given to the top overall male and female finishers.
New this year, there will be a costume contest, so come out dressed in your holiday best for a chance to win prizes!
Event Details
Where:Lower Dauphin MS Cross Country Course
When:Date: 12/14/2024 Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Contact:Scott Payonk |